Workload Staffing Reports
specific to St. Boniface Worksite 5

Information provided herein is specific to St. Boniface Nurses Worksite 5. Please contact the Worksite 5 office with any questions or concerns, or when an issue first arises.
Workload Staffing Reports Committee Reps
Worksite 5’s WSR committee consists of up to six members who are elected annually at our AGM. Reps serve a two-year overlapping term (three members elected in odd years and three members elected in even years).
As of May 1, 2022 there are three rep vacancies on this committee. If you wish to service on the WSR Committee, please contact the Worksite 5 office.
The Committee attemps to meet regularly to review the WSR recevied in the Worksite 5 office. They also provided education with respect to WSRs upon request.
Click here for a listing of the WSR Committee Representatives for 2021/2022
We currently have three vacancies on this committee. If you are interested in serving on the WSR Committee please contact the Worksite 5 office.